The Exile Route of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

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1.Khen-dze-mani – In 1959, when the Chinese crackdown on Tibet seemed inevitable and the Tibet uprising had reached the palace of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama at Lhasa, he alongwith his family members and few aides escaped from to India through the business route Tibet (Tsona) to Khen-Dze-mani under Zemithang circle. On 31st March 1959 His Holiness and a group of eight people alongwith other group of eighty people was received officially at Khen-Dze-Mani by Political officer of Tawang, 5-Assam rifles and people of Zemithang. His Holiness planted his walking stick at Grong-Kukpa which is just one and half kilometer away from Khe-dze-mani which has now grown to a big tree.

Stone to tie Horses at Mother of Dalai Lama

Journey through the mountains

Lama Kyemo

His holiness with the people of lebo

VIth Dalai Lama

Grong-Kukpa Stupa and the tree

Prayer Flags

1962 Memorial post Grong – Kukpa

2.Chhu-Dhang-Mo – His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama was received at Chhu-Dhang-Mo post by troops of 5th Assam Rifles and the people of Monyul on 31st March 1959. It was at Chu-Dhang-Mo around twenty five Tibetan gorillas who had accompanied His Holiness handed their weapons to 5- Assam rifles and returned back to Tibet. It was a tearful farewell for the soldiers who had accorded security to His holiness during the escape. His holiness halted here for a night..

Old Prayer Wall

Gorzam Chorten- The Stupa

3.Gorzam – His Holiness and his entourages reached Gorzam on the day 2 of their journey for a night halt. The villagers from different parts of the Pangchin-ding-gro and area of Muchut Khobleteng and Thikshi thronged to seek blessings from His Holiness.
The Gorzam stupa, replica of Bodhinath Stupa of Nepal was constructed by lama Prathar in 13th Century but it couldn’t be consecrated by any high lama, and it was only on 1st April 1959 that His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama consecrated it

4.Shardi ( Shakti) – His Holiness on 2nd April 1959, proceeded for Shardi(Shakti) village and the villagers of Shardi village received him at “Mani-gom” at a small distance from the village. He was then accommodated at a government inspection bungalow.

4.Lumla – On 3rd April 1959, His Holiness proceeded to Lungla-tse. At Lungla His Holiness stayed in the Govt. accommodation of base superintendent. Many people from far places and also govt. officials took audience of His Holiness to seek blessings. His Holiness for the first time in history empowered Mane Lung for the people of Lungla outside Tibet after seeking Asylum in India.

Presently, Gonpa cum museum viz. Thar Dhoe Norbu Ling Gonpa has been constructed in place of the govt. accommodation mentioned above.


Bodong Tashi Choeling  Monastery At Lumla

5.Thonglek – On 4th April 1959, His Holiness reached Thonglek village which is 15 km away from Lumla and stayed a night in a bamboo hut which was also a Govt. inspection bungalow


(Bamboo Hut at Thonglek village)

7.Tawang – On 5th April 1959, his holiness proceeded for Tawang and was received at Kidung Tse and Lama Tsii-Kang (below Tawang Gonpa) by the monks of Tawang monastery under the spiritual guidance of the abbot of Tawang Monastery phomang Gelong Gyendun Rabgyal , popularly known as Katu Lama and by the Govt. officials in presence of His Eminence the 12th Tsona Gontse Rinpoche along with the monks representatives of Tawang monastery in the form of ser-bang procession. His holiness was then escorted at Punteng-tse, the official residence of the Deputy commissioner Tawang which is now re-constructed as Mane-ring was conferred to the officers and officials on request made by some Govt. officials and after series of audience and blessings conferred, His Holiness visited Tawang Monastery. The people from all parts of Tawang gathered at the courtyard of Tawang monastery to seek blessings. With the halt of three days at Punteng-tse (Tawang), on 8th April 1959, His Holiness and his entourage left for Jang and passed through Khremetang, Gyanger- Toth, Bomdir, and Khrimu. He planted a sapling that has grown to big tree and is worshipped by the people by tying religious flags on important occasion.

Stone to tie Horses at Mother of Dalai Lama

(His Holiness being accorded Guard of Honour at Dzong tse)

Lama Kyemo

Tawang Monastery

VIth Dalai Lama

Tawang Monastery Now

8.Jang – After climbing down from Lhau village at the foot of Shyaro village, His Holiness and his entourage were received by the people of Jang at Tong-Shong-Zam.Tong-Shong-Zam was tied on two big rocks over the Tawang chu river. At Lha-Kang Tse in Yul Thenbo village at Jang, His Holiness stayed a night. And the very next day early moring on 9th April 1959, His holiness left from Jang. The villagers from Senge Dzong received His Holiness and his Entourage at Dzela Pass. The villagers with their horses and incense burnt all along the route escorted His Holiness from Dzela crossing Baisakhi, earlier known as Mann-Tsi-Thongmey up to Nas gonpa. His Holiness stayed a night at Nas Gonpa and the moved towards Dirang. After a night halt, his holiness left from Dirang towards Bomdila where the high officials were waiting to receive His Holiness.

After staying for a brief period of five days finally His Holiness and his entourage on 17th April 1959 left Bomdila and reached Khelong through Chaku road. Khelong was the last destination spent by His Holiness and his entourage as the NEFA of erstwhile North East. His Holiness was made to stay the night at Khelong as hundreds of press people from all over the whole world were anxiously waiting to check the man in respect and loved by the world.
As His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the entourage left Foot hills, His Holiness saw several cameramen from the international press, who had come to report what they called the “story of the century.” His Holiness was warned that he would see many more in Tezpur, where a larger contingent of news people awaited his arrival. While staying at Circuit house Tezpur, His Holiness the Dalai Lama met up with his brother Gyalo Thondup. His Holiness also found thousands of messages, telegrams, and letters waiting for him, and huge contingent of reporters from all over the world.
At Tezpur Assam on 18th April 1959, His Holiness the Dalai Lama issued a statement before leaving for Mussoorie by two of his selected representatives, recounting the circumstances in which His Holiness and his entourage left Tibet.


Stone to tie Horses at Mother of Dalai Lama
Lama Kyemo

(His Holiness being accorded civic reception at Bomdila 1959)

VIth Dalai Lama