The most common headgear of the Monpas is the hat made of yak’s felt.The Hat design differs from region to region in the district.It is called ngama-shom or tzithpa-shom in tsoksum area, nga-sha in Mago-Thingbu and dhueja in Zemithang area.A required quantity of yak’s felt is placed in a basin to which is added hot water containing crepe apple juice. The yak’s felt is then kneaded for about an hour. It is then moulded with hands giving it a desired shape of hat. The tapering point is twisted out from the material of the body.The Monpa hats can be purchased from the local market or the craft center.

Hat Made of Yak’s Felt

Hat Made of Yak’s Felt

Hat Made of Yak’s Felt

Hat Made of Yak’s Felt

Hat Making in Tawang

Hat Making in Tawang


Incense Making –